Independent Observatory and Digital Magazine of the Culture of the Balearic Islands.

Sobre Art-Xipèlag

Observatory of the Culture of the Balearic Islands

Art-Xipèlag was born as an independent project with the aim of becoming one of the digital tools of reference for culture in the Balearic Islands. Hosting information and content on the culture that is done, exhibits, studies, researches or transits our art-archipelago as necessary and important for the development of the sector.

The digital platform is a live project, constantly evolving and adapting to the needs and demands of the cultural sector of the islands

In a first phase Art-Xipèlag is composed of an observatory of culture, a space of creation of contents and provision of services of diffusion and support to the manifestations, actors and cultural actors islanders, taking sides by a way of understanding and to spread the culture towards its defense and its evolution.

On the other hand, the platform wants to position itself in a state of beta development and permanent permeability in the process of growth with the intention of developing phases that emphasize the interrelation and dialogue both internal and externally in the sector, influencing the regional, national and international spheres and providing service to the different actors of the culture in the islands of both the third sector and the public, private and professional sphere.

The Art-Xipèlag project is made up of a team of cultural management professionals from the islands, from different fields of culture and specialized in various disciplines. A multidisciplinary team, working under the philosophy and methodology of coworking, formed by people living in the four islands that build the platform from the viewpoint of the different insular facts.



Observatori de la Cultura de les Illes Balears

Serveis i Tarifes Anunciants 2018

Leer más publicaciones en Calaméo

Equip gestor


  • Pere Gomila Bassa. Alaior. Menorca

  • Francisco Javier Sánchez Salas. Estudi del Patrimoni Industrial de les Illes. Mallorca

  • Josefina Torres. Col·laboradora Art-Xipèlag. Eivissa


Contacte Artxipèlag

    Vull rebre informació periòdica sobre Art-Xipèlag. Dades gestionades segons la Llei Orgànica 15/1999 de Protecció de Dades de Caràcter Personal.

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