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Plaça de sa Tarongeta Jaume I, Eivissa

On the occasion of Women's Day on 8 March, the group exhibition 'workers' with ants painted by Island artists. Place: Sa Tarongeta Square. Inauguration: Saturday 6 at 13:00

Navidad * Weihnachten * Christmas 2020

Espai Micus Crtra. Jesús-Cala Llonga, Km. 3 , Santa Eulària del Riu

We are opening the Espacio Micus on sunday 27.12.2020 and 3.1.2021 from 11h to 14h. We’d like to welcome you to this year’s group exposition with Stella Rahola Matutes, Guillem Nadal, Joan Peix, Howard Rogovin and Gretchen Ca featuring the Christmas crib from Carlos Yañez with some tea and mulled wine or call for an appointment